Sheza Blaznhaat Xpres
2011, 14.3 hh Sweepstakes Arabian Mare
Sheza has trail, arena, camping, and poker ride experience. She is not an easy horse as she is sensitive and hot (as bloodlines dictate) and has had a great professional start on her. She has been handled, vetted, ponied, hiked, trained, and ridden with love. Sheza has a substantial, athletic build and solid, flashy gaits. Trailers, ties, utd on trims, dentals, vaccines, and is sound.
Sheza’s dam competed in endurance and her sire is an FEI winning 100 mile Polish Arabian. She is forward and competitive by nature. She has had a calm and slow in her young saddle work as she has all the fast and go already there, just needs the retain-brain skill sets honed to accompany her natural speed. Light to leg and rein aids, responds to pressure. She’s ready to go in any sport horse direction!
Sheza’s half siblings are kicking butt in endurance for Global Endurance and DWA Arabians, with many top 10s and BCs achieved. This mare was bred for performance and wants to take you to the front. Would also make gorgeous foals.